Goal Reflection
Learning to Use Technology More Effectively
When I began my coursework in the Master of Arts in Educational (MAED) program, I started with the idea that I had a fairly good understanding of how to use technology in the classroom, but I knew that I could be more effective. So with this focus in mind, my goal was to learn how to use technology more appropriately and efficiently within an educational context so I could provide my students with a more dynamic and effective learning experience. I have learned many new techniques on how to implement technology in my classroom from using screencasts as a presentation tool or a way to flip my classroom, to having students create infographics on programs such as Piktochart, or using discussion programs like NowComment to hold live out-of-class discussions over primary sources with my students. This program has helped me to provide a better learning experience for my students as well as change my perspectives on how technology should and can be used to support learning. Now as I am wrapping up my master’s degree and look back on the goal I started with, I realize that learning how to use technology more effectively within my classroom will be an underlying goal that will always guide my instruction. However, I have developed many others goals as well.
One new goal that I have is to work to change my curriculum to a completely blended format where my students work with technology/online as much as they do in the traditional face-to-face context. I have already started this change, albeit slowly, within my AP class and the results have been encouraging. I just know that I will have to keep in mind that it is a long process to implement technology effectively and present my students with an effective blended experience, but that it is totally worth it in the end.
Another goal that I have developed over the course of this program is that I want to take what I have learned and share it with my colleagues. Good teaching, techniques, and tools need to be shared, so that we as teachers can enhance the learning for our students. I have already led a professional development session at my school that was focused on using several of the tools that I have learned how to use in this course (i.e., screencasting, Piktochart, Padlet, NowComment, etc.). This session was highly successful as I have teamed with another teacher and our principal to pilot a program of instruction with the use of screencasts.
Overall, I have made great strides during this program in not just how to implement technology in my classroom, but in my teaching as well. I am continuing to experiment with new technologies to help provide a differentiated approach for my students. I believe that I am on the right path to complete my goals, but understand that these goals will never truly be fulfilled, but ones that will always be something that will guide my teaching career.